Thursday, February 12, 2015

Taco Bell, Dulce & Gabbana use extreme male gender roles in new ad campaigns, potentially cause negative effects on personal image

I chose the following ads by Taco Bell and Dulce & Gabbana as examples of advertisements causing negative effects on consumers because both blatantly play on the idea of male gender roles.

Taco Bell's commercial uses the same technique described in the book, playing on the idea of gender roles as a joke to inadvertently trick viewers into believing in the roles described, such as driving a truck. This ad also uses the tag line "If you need to be told how to be a man" which portrays to the viewer that only men eat Taco Bell.

Dulce & Gabbana also plays on gender roles by advertising the idea that their product helps users have sex with women. It only uses men with large muscles, oiled bodies, and no chest hair in their ads to show the type of "men" that use their product.

These ads use the idea of the perfect man as defined by gender roles to help advertise their products. According to the book, this can cause negative effects on the way consumers view themselves.

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